Recovery Housing

Initiating or Enhancing Recovery Housing Options

We offer a variety of trainings for organizations interested in starting new recovery houses or enhancing services in existing homes. With a variety of models, we can find the best fit for your organization and community! Reach out to us to schedule.

As a peer led organization, Haven Recovery has operated nationally accredited housing for many years.  Haven was the first nationally accredited housing organization in the St. Louis, Missouri region and has provided quality housing to hundreds of individuals.

Our implementation experts are trained in recovery, peer support, public health and housing rules and regulations. They are incredibly familiar with individual state guidelines and national standards through the National Alliance for Recovery Residences.

We are excited to work with organizations from across the country interested in initiating or expanding this important work!

Specific Need?

Have a specific topic your organization is working to address? Let us know and we can design trainings to meet your unique needs! Submit requests here

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